
the Jerusalem Post Watch

The newest block posts start under this pinned one.

I Don’t know if you missed it but the JPost went from a respectable daily to a publication of low quality with a couple of excellent authors still. They publish outright nonsense without restraint or shame.

The JPost is aggressively for the center, trashing anything that’s not. It’s the only Israeli outlet with good Gay news reporting. It also clearly made a solid commitment against racism in its reporting. It has good science and legal reporters. On Judaism, they seek conflict and strife and know zero. Their ‘celebrated’ Arab Affairs correspondent makes things up as he goes.

I freely comment on their site. All of my comments you may find here, with links to the original nonsense. The newest comments are on top.

The JPost refuses to give a link to my comments. Here’s what you can do to read my comments in the JPost in the last 30 days: Go to the Jerusalem Post site. Find a comment by MMvanZuiden. Click on the letter M before the comments field.

Overview Internet News in English on Israel

The Algemeiner is a bit right-wing leaning but excellent and honest. Arutz7 is well-informed on West-Bank issues but often has a right-wing bias. The Jewish Press may at times have all the right-wing trash but also excellent stuff on science and Orthodox Judaism. World Israel News often just spews right-wing propaganda and conspiracy theories. Israel Hayom I don’t know really. Ynet in English is quick but superficial will bad English.

The Times of Israel is a bit left-leaning but excellent and honest. Haaretz doesn’t have just a left-wing bias. It outright creates scandals instead of just reporting them, suitable ammunition for anti-Semites or anti-Zionists. Their science reports are good. It is well-trusted all over the world while it’s worse than the Pravda was in Stalin’s Russia: completely unreliable.

Every international press agency is absolutely unreliable in its reporting on Israel, always biased against it, at times, blatantly so and sometimes, more subtly. Often, the local journalist is OK, but editors will ‘adjust’ his voice.

Please use your critical sense about anything you read anywhere.

Comments to articles in a variety of  publications you may find here:



This is an overspill blog to his TOI blog.

There you may find hundreds of published blog posts, an extensive bio and a way to write to him.

Below you may find precursors that could turn into TOI blog posts, addition or corrections of published TOI blog posts, blog posts the TOI will not carry and some thoughts that are too short to be a TOI blog post. Also, the TOI only allows for one blog post per blogger per 24 hours. Sometimes, he has more to say than that.

De anti-Joodse agressie van de EO is niet over

Heb jij de EO’s de Joodse Raad serie gezien? Mij niet gezien! Ik hou niet van drama en niet van de EO.

Mijn eerste stap was: research. Deze kop is goed: https://nos.nl/artikel/2516583-opperrabbijn-wijzigt-mening-over-de-joodse-raad-na-tv-serie-het-is-niet-zwart-wit.

Van dit: https://www.gelderlander.nl/show/hoe-waargebeurd-is-npo-serie-de-joodse-raad-niet-alles-klakkeloos-accepteren~a72e6570/?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fsearch.yahoo.com%2F is de eerste zin: “Vanuit geen ander West-Europees land zijn tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog zo veel Joden gedeporteerd als vanuit Nederland. Om het contact met de Joodse gemeenschap zo soepel mogelijk te maken, richtten de bezetters de Joodse Raad op.” Helemaal fout. Het liep geolied vanwege de Nederlandse ambtenaren, niet vanwege de Joodse Raad.

EO: Altijd hetzelfde liedje: Joden zijn zielig (want ze hebben geen Jesus) maar indrukwekkend en schilderachtig. Mooi camerawerk leidt mensen af van hun boodschap: Het Joodse Volk heeft afgedaan. Is dat hier ook zo?

Waarom is niet gekozen voor een serie over de Joodse Raad van Enschede? Die heeft, samen met de clerus de Joden daar grotendeels gered.

En dit staat zelfs op het internet: https://youtu.be/HSX6LohzOAo. Wat er mis mee? Prachtige documentaire.

In de trailer https://youtu.be/PkZEI9SL5fA worden de leden van de JR weggezet als onnozel en naïef. Klopt dat wel? Dit waren geen domme mensen! En de beelden en de muziek en het Duitse geschreeuw zijn schokkend. Als je mensen iets wil leren moet je ze niet traumatiseren.

https://www.eo.nl/programmas/de-joodse-raad/over leidt in: “De historische dramaserie ‘De Joodse Raad’ laat de onvoorstelbare consequenties van de anti-Joodse maatregelen van de bezetter zien.” Misleidt.

De focus moet zijn op de Nederlandse niet-Joodse collaboratie, niet op de Duitsers, SS, NSB, en ook niet de Joden. Dit is het slechtste van het slechtste.

Nederlanders moeten eindelijk eens afrekenen gaan met hun oorlogsverleden. Wat dezen onze overgrootouders? Waarom verzetten zij zich niet? Waarom demonstreren wij wel tegen racisme maar niet tegen Jodenhaat? Waar zijn al die nazaten van de Nederlandse NSB’ers en SS’ers, de politieagenten (waarom is nooit spijt betuigt), de foute burgemeesters, ambtenaren, tram- en treinbestuurders? “Opa, wat deden jouw ouders in de oorlog?” Daar moet een serie over komen: Fout in de Oorlog. Twintig delen.

Ik ga deze afleidingsmanoeuvre met al zijn drama niet aanzien. Het is volksbedrog en onnodig leed aanbrengen bij de kijkers en het leidt af van wat nodig is.

Not acceptable?

the Times of Israel blog editors again refuse to publish my blog post for today. Is that because of the following paragraph? I removed saying the incompetent journalist was from the TOI to help them but so far, to no avail.

A journalist self-identifying as ‘Political Correspondent @ http://zman.co.il & http://timesofisrael.com’ wrote: “Iranian missile and drone attack at the skies above Temple Mount/Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. The ancient holly [sic] site was rescued by air defence [sic] system [sic].” Sine loco.

My criticisms of all other journalists and politicians were accepted.


So, it was a nice guess but the reason seems to have been another guess I already told friends. They wanted to publish on this before me. It’s not the first time they block my scoop to try and grab the price themselves.


Now, no Palestinian State from the River to the Sea

No matter how small

When your 6-year-old asks you for the car keys, say: first, learn the bike.

As soon as Muslims who live outside of 1948-Israel can live in peace with Jews, they can have their own State—but won’t need one.

When you can live next to us, you can live with us. When you can’t live in peace with Jewish neighbors, you can’t live with a Jewish neighbor State.

And two States are simply not viable.

So many Jews liked Palestinian nationalism, while the Muslim-Palestinian leadership only wanted all the Jews dead. We grew up. Past station. No way. Learn to like us. Then we’ll talk again.

We will not even permit Palestinian Muslims to take over Jordan. Learn to like us. Then we’ll talk again.

From 1948, 20% of the democratic Jewish State is Muslim. These full citizens got to value us, and since October 7, identify more as Israeli than Palestinian. They should not be confused or conflated with the terrorists who terrorize and rule the territories Israel regained in the Six-Day War.

Foreign leaders who harp about the Two-State Solution have no idea how ridiculous they look in our eyes when doing so. It’s like grown people demanding recognition for territorial rights at the Pole for Father Xmas.

An idea of—allegedly—having a convicted mass murderer and unrepented terrorist against Jews lead such a State only makes you look a fool.

But here’s a hint for the clueless. When terrorist leaders applaud you and Israeli Jews and Muslims say you’re mistaken, don’t listen to the assassins.

This post was not accepted by the Times of Israel

Bart Wallet moet ontslagen worden per onmiddellijk


1. Voor hoor en wederhoor hoef je geen antisemieten (van Agts Rights Forum, ‘Palestijnse’ solidariteit – wat deed haar opa in de oorlog?) aan het woord te laten.

2. Bart Wallet: Voor hij hoogleraar Joodse geschiedenis aan de UvA werd legde hij al Joden uit voor de EO. Weet van niks maar dat heeft ‘m nooit tegengehouden. Wat zegt hij hier?

Ontkent volstrekt het antisemitisme bij de opening van het holocaustmuseum en dat From the River to the Sea antisemitisch is. Tegen Lenny Kuhr is voor het eerst een grens overschreden. Gewoon niet waar. De straat in Amsterdam is al 30 jaar onveilig voor Joden. {Zijn Groningse collega is ook zo’n goedprater en wegkijker.}

Hij doet het voorkomen alsof Joden zich bedreigt “voelen,” alsof dat maar subjectief gevoel is. “Het gevoel dat je vrienden verlies.” {Dat is geen gevoel; dat gebeurt op grote schaal.}

Maar “dat is niet alleen in Nederland,” daarmee implicerend dat Nederland geen specifiek Jodenprobleem heeft.

Hij wordt opgevoerd als spreekbuis van de Nederlandse Joden en hij is niet eens Joods. Geen man zou het lef hebben om Nederland toe te spreken namens alle vrouwen over seksisme maar voor Wallet is dat geen belet. {Bij de opening van het Holocaustmuseum vertelde hij desgevraagd heel tv-kijkend Nederland wat een mezoeza is. Wat hij zei was en fout en sloeg nergens op. Geen haar op z’n hoofd die dacht te zeggen: vraag dat maar aan een orthodoxe Jood.} Maar het wordt erger.

Als iemand antisemitische dingen zegt moet je “goed uitluisteren waarom” hij dat zegt, wat de intentie is. {Ja, edelachtbare, er wordt gesproken van verkrachting maar mijn cliënt had helemaal niet de intentie om te verkrachten.}

Maar ook als het niet zo bedoeld is “schept dat wel een klimaat waardoor mensen het gevoel hebben: wij zijn een doelwit.”

Hij vindt het argument van de Palestina-activist “begrijpelijk,” hoewel het “de voorkeur heeft misschien om dat toch op een andere manier” aan te kaarten, “het fatsoen te bewaren, een open gesprek,” beter dan een liedjesavond te verstoren. Walgelijk. Begrip voor antisemitisme. Hebben we dat nodig?

Ook houdt het feit dat hij geen jurist is hem niet tegen om te zeggen dat je geen aangifte van antisemitisme kan doen in Nederland {hoewel onderscheid maken op basis van geloof en etniciteit gewoon verboden is in de Grondwet, artikel 1}.

Maar hij vindt dat het strafbaar stellen ook het laatste middel moet zijn; eerst: onderwijs over vooroordelen, enz. {De geachte afgevaardigde wil verkrachting strafbaar stellen maar ik denk dat we eerst meer aandacht in het onderwijs moeten besteden aan het respecteren van de grenzen van anderen, bla, bla, bla.}

Hij heeft zichzelf ondertroffen.

En door alles heen die walgelijke glimlach, of hij het nou heeft over genocide of over angst van Joden: volkomen ongepast. Blijkbaar erg blij om aan het woord te zijn en geen empathie met Joden.

Kan Nieuwsuur nou geen Jood vinden om ons te vertegenwoordigen nu rabbijn Evers naar Duitsland en Israël is vertrokken? Schokkend!!

Het is volstrekt niet onmogelijk om er iets goeds mee te doen. Kijk maar:


Could one be an Antisemite without knowing it?

Surely you can. Here are some examples. Only, to tell you to shape up.

The first misunderstanding is that all Antisemites worked in Auschwitz or would have liked to work there. A better term would be anti-Jewish bigots or anti-Jewish racists because Antisemitism is often seen only as gassing Jews. Sexism isn’t always rape; Antisemitism isn’t always genocide.

An easy-to-remember rule is that when you compare the deeds of Israel to the Holocaust, that’s Antisemitism.

If you believe the stories and pictures from the mainstream (Antisemitic), you very well may be running some anti-Jewish sentiment. Because even if you would think that Jews are just as bad and good as everyone else, you wouldn’t believe the baseless slander, even if everyone around you would.

It doesn’t need to be that you see Jews or Israelis as pure monsters. More refined, you show a lack of respect for Jews when you think you need to preach morality to them. Or even more subtly, when you say that in their place, the massacre would have made you lose all reason, so therefore, you want to help Israelis regain sanity. [Israel took some ten days before it started the ground operations. Collateral damage in an urban area of 1:1 (1 human shield to each terrorist) is unprecedentedly low, showing super-human self-restraint.] All the ‘helpfulness’ is camouflaged disrespect that underlies a lack of love that lies at the core of Jew-hatred.

In our time of unprecedented popular fake news, many fascistoid leaders call leaders of democratic countries Nazis. This may confuse some people. The dictators didn’t fool themselves. They knowingly try to trick the public.

When I call the pogrom of October 7 worse than the Nazis, that’s not a hollow cry. While lesser in scope and duration, it was worse in intensity, sadism, open pride, and in the number of war crime types committed.

To some people, Antisemitism sounds not as hateful but as good. If you’re fair or loving, you should hate Jews. They see allies of Jews as monsters.

Left, right, and the war in Israel

The facts don’t always back stereotypes or what we would like reality to be

Don’t read this if you don’t want to be confused with the facts.

Even in a mere overview, there are so many details, more than I like.

What is Israeli Left and Right?

In many countries, right-wing means let the richer get richer and the poor fend for themselves. This is what is meant by: people vote via their wallets.

It can also mean that the left fights for equality (and democracy) and change and the right for the elites and even bigotry and regression.

I Israel, both notions exist but the principle meaning of left and right here is that the left is more secular and the right more religious or traditional, but mostly, that the right is not naïve about the chances to ever live safely surrounded by Gentiles while the left is somewhat hopeful despite it all.

He’s left-wing or she’s right-wing has been used to degrade others. Let’s not do that. We can look at the situation without looking down on ‘the other.’ Reb Shlomo Carlebach said: ‘Left-wing and right-wing in Israel are as from a bird. It needs both wings to fly.’ Only unity will bring peace.

Generalities in Israel

The following ignores exceptions that exist in every group.

Victims of October 7: Mostly left-wingers, both who lived in kibbutzes around Gaza and the party-goers to the ambushed Nova festival. Most of the hostages’ families demand the government negotiate their release no matter the price. The Rabbis don’t all agree. Neither do all family members. For the too few soldiers at the Gaza border, see conscripts.

Conscripts: Young, idealistic, mostly left-wing and secular, with Mizrachic roots mostly traditional, but also Chardal (see there).

Professional soldiers: Mostly conscripts who stayed extra years, mostly right-wing. It used to be that only left-wingers would rise to the top.

Reserve soldiers: Mostly older (until 40), left-wing and right-wing present.

Security Leaders: The army top and heads of security organizations are—unique in the world—almost exclusively secular left-wingers. However, the next generation of IDF leaders seems to head toward Chardal soldiers.

White Elite: In the whole world, the rich vote right-wing. Not in Israel. Ultra-left, secular-humanistic, hardly connected to Jewish Law and the Holy Land. Many of their kids live quietly and peacefully abroad.

Barak, Olmert: Ultra-Elite-rich, ultra-left-wing, ultra-passé-irrelevant.

High Court: In the last decades, it had to be left-wing to protect minority rights. Sparred with and angered right-wing government. Left anti-democrats (anti-Zionists, Antisemites, Muslim-haters, and homophobes) stand in elections and even sit in government. (Misguided tolerance.) Upcoming because of many retirements is a majority right-wing Court!

Netanyahu: Painted as ultra-right-wing. However, while Mr. Capitalist, he prioritized saving lives over saving the economy (the opposite of Trump) and slashed the number of deaths in Israel by 70% or so. He’s a humanist but pragmatist. Will reign with ultra-Orthodox parties and homophobes while praising and supporting the first openly Gay Likud Knesset member. Does make racist comments and forgets to charm non-Jews like the Bedouin. Called a hawk by all anti-Zionist journalists but always the first to stop building the West Bank and the first to leave Gazan terrorists alone and not press on to total victory, which was dovish but turned out stupid.

Unity Government: A coalition. Presently, with Gantz, who is slightly left of the center as the most prominent minister (in the polls) and two token Arab-haters (see Ben Gevir and Smotrich) so, journalists focus on them.

Ben Gvir and Smotrich: These proud bigots should have been banned for politics in a democracy. Yet, only one institution is to blame: The High Court that, in misplaced tolerance, allowed them, against steady protests.

Chareidi: Most still don’t go to the army but study Judaism all day instead. Yet, everybody expects that the number of Ultra-Orthodox conscripts will skyrocket soon on a voluntary basis, which is good for Israel’s unity.

Chardal: Ultra-Orthodox and connected to Zionism, most are the most principled and dedicated Israelis. Now, they’re rediscovering pluralism.

Traditional: Ashkenazics tend to super divide in levels of ‘observance,’ but Mizrachi Jews don’t. Many are traditional, also when in secular dress.

Secular: It is questionable if any Jew in Israel is fully secular. In some form, 95% celebrate Passover Night, 80%+ Friday Night (Shabbat), and all of them do one of the greatest Commandments that one does with one’s whole body, to live in and walk the Holy Land. Those who want to live quietly and prosperously often left for greener pastures.

Arab Jews: The older generation has a language and much culture in common with Arab Gentiles. Yet, they are often also less naïve than Ashkenazics about the dangers of living in the Middle East, but also have more hurt about how their supposed Muslim friends betrayed them.

Muslims: Most Jews and Muslims prefer to live in separate quarters. Especially in cities in the North that are not always safe for Jews. Many mix at work, in university, in the health care system, and transportation.

Druze: Fully committed to Zionism. Sacrifice greatly in the IDF.

Bedouin: It depends on from which clan or area. Some are fully committed to Zionism and sacrifice greatly in the IDF. Some are hostile.

Christians: The common believer living here (and tourists) seems to be appreciative of Jews, though often dreaming of converting us. They know we support them while the Palestinian Authority has chased them away. But they often seem stuck in a religious rivalry with Muslims, convinced that Jews are on their side. Generally, they don’t know that Islam, in many aspects, is closer to Judaism than Christianity. Christian leaders in the Holy Land often peddle in anti-Jewish lies trying to placate Palestinian leaders.

University: Universities in Muslim-terrorist-occupied Palestine are off-limit to Jews. Israeli universities have Jews and Gentiles study together. When Muslim students expressed hatred for Jews, Houston, we have a problem.

Mixed Cities: When tensions are low, Jews and Muslims get used to each other, and that’s nice. With outside incitement, life could be dangerous.

Health Care: Muslim-terrorist-occupied Palestine hospitals are off-limit to Jews. But democratic-Israeli hospitals don’t discriminate. It doesn’t matter if it’s in predominately Muslim areas in the North or the rest of Israel. Physicians, nurses, staff, patients, and visitors will be mixed, and ethnicity is ignored as much as possible. One meets as humans. Someone who hates Muslims or Jews has a problem because they won’t get one-religion-only healthcare. It just doesn’t exist in Israel.

Tel Aviv: Left-wing, secular, with 25% LGBTQ. Secular and traditional Jews fleeing a hostile Diaspora often settle there.

Jerusalem: Tradition to Ultra-Orthodox, though, even in the most religious neighborhoods 20% are secular or traditional. Not enough place for the abundance of children to start their own families, so many new villages and suburbs are flourishing. The Arab part of the Old City is mostly unsafe for recognizable Jews.

West Bank: The liberated West Bank is fully democratic Israel. The part still occupied by the terrorist organization has no democracy or safety.

My ideals for WW III

If we can’t envision it going well, how could it happen?

Phase A. The greatest dictatorships band together to conquer and destroy all democracies. The pact stipulates who gets what.

Phase B. All the world’s democracies band together militarily to defeat autocratic rule. However, they offer the option that all these rulers allow for a peaceful transfer of power. This entails teaching the population equality and unlearning hatred. Having a police force that protects everyone. Letting the rich and powerful keep most of their money and wealth in exchange for stability and calm. Having free and fair elections.

Phase C. The united dictators decide to go democratic. WW III happens without any fighting or killing.

Phase D. Only democracies can be members of the UN. Larger countries get more say, and the autonomy of the smaller ones is guaranteed.

Phase E. Together, we decide how to reduce greenhouse gasses so that the world’s temperature falls to pre-industrial levels within six months.

Phase F. End world hunger.

Phase G. End all illness, correct aging, and end death.

The Middle East

With all dictatorships and hatred gone, every local population gets to vote on how to continue.

Each of Israel’s neighbors wants to be part of Israel’s democracy. Muslims and Jews are free to live anywhere they want in the unified nation.

No matter the numbers, Gentiles cannot outvote Jews, in honor of the Old People.

Israel closes the Street of Gibraltar with docks, lowering the water level of the Mediterranean.

Israel teaches all the North African countries how to win drinking and irrigation water from the sea.

This will go a long way toward ending world hunger.

Refugees return home now all wars have ended. The rich countries pay for travel and housing.

Iconic, bloody mistakes that slowly made Israelis wise

Jews are naturally optimistic, but sometimes realism must prevail

We may be overly hopeful, but we’re not stupid or suicidal. We learn.

A Binational State

Einstein wanted Israel to be one. Many Zionists wanted that. But it takes two to tango. Arab leadership has said no for 120 years now.

A Tiny State

Half of what is between the Jordan and the Mediterranean (‘Auschwitz borders‘) was still too much for Jews. Jordan plus half of what is between the Jordan and the Mediterranean was too little for them. In reaction, we got murder, pogroms, genocidal wars, terrorism, and boycotts against us.

Two-States Solution

We gave them large swaths of the West Bank and Gaza. Their leaders terrorized their own population and funneled the abundant international support toward terrorism and private bank accounts.

Land for Peace

They got land, we got war. We gave enough. The Golan Heights are not to be given to any Syrian dictator ever.

Large Hostage ‘Exchange’

More than a thousand convicted murderers in exchange for one IDF soldier. Many returned to murdering Jews. We noted and won’t forget.

Disengagement from Gaza

We got rockets on our cities and kibbutzes in return and a pogrom. Crimes against humanity. No more terrorist entities along our borders.

Ceasefire in Gaza

So many times, we stopped going after Chamas c.s., which only led to further perfecting their terror state. No more.

Muslim Foreign Workers

Israel gave much work to Muslims from the West Bank and Gaza (and treated their families in Israeli hospitals). Yet, some of these committed October 7, and many in the West Bank today try to murder Jews. We kind of disagree and are looking for foreign workers from further away.

Peace in the Region

After Iran is defeated, perhaps. That should be the end for Palestinian dictators. And if after WW III, for all despots. We could help them build democracies in which, at first, the rich can still keep their wealth.

We’re still hopeful. But not by believing in pipedreams anymore.

Keeping silent and seeking silence

Silence is golden

Israeli State Rabbis had called upon the public to abstain from idle talk last Thursday, the day before Purim Katan, the small Fast of Esther, so to speak, so that we would become worthier of extra Divine help for the return of all Chamas hostages. For some, to abstain from chatting is tougher than to pause food and drink. Some may take upon themselves to repeat this every workday for a set period of time. It makes us more aware of what our tongue does (to better control it), cuts out a waste of time, frees people around us from useless noise, and cuts out a risk of slander.

As the Hebrew Bible says:

  • There is a time to be silent and a time to speak. (Ecclesiastes 3:7)
  • He who guards his mouth and his tongue, guards his Soul from troubles. (Proverbs 21:23)
  • Death and life are in the power of the tongue. (Proverbs 18:21)

Another asset of silence is to seek silence.

Our overburdened ears (brains) need silence. Not just at night. When we lower all input, we may notice what background noise plays in our heads. Some of it valuable, disturbing, or just the destruction of inner peace.

What do we seem to say to ourselves when no one talks to us? Can’t we deal with that directly instead of drowning it out?

What disturbing sounds are still bouncing around in our heads when all turns quiet? How about dealing with that straightforward?

How about turning down all the noise to acquire some peace of mind?

Overburdened, overstressed, and overworked Jews, at times, may slow down and relax. It’s an option available free of charge at all times.

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