Iconic, bloody mistakes that slowly made Israelis wise

Jews are naturally optimistic, but sometimes realism must prevail We may be overly hopeful, but we’re not stupid or suicidal. We learn. A Binational State Einstein wanted Israel to be one. Many Zionists wanted that. But it takes two to tango. Arab leadership has said no for 120 years now. A Tiny State Half of …

Prayer for the Gentile Allies

We Jews always pray for world peace and for fortune to the good people We know the Jews are the apple of G^d’s Eye. If you don’t like that, take it up with Him because we didn’t come up with it. It doesn’t mean that G^d is partial or unfair to others. Rather, He gave …

What is Gaza’s endgame?

Optimistically comparing the Muslim and the Christian Holocaust When the war is proclaimed over, what would be? Or what would be, that the war could be called over? The future in retrospect – a prediction. The Christian Holocaust, the downfall of the West’s Christian arrogance, had killed more people than the Muslim Holocaust, but, after …

Pro-Hamas voices: Look who’s talking

The anti-Israel accusations are meant to hide Palestinian war crimes They say Israel killed babies, but only Chamas did that here. They say Israel stole land, but only Chamas did that here. They say Israel committed genocide, but only Chamas did that here. They say Israel targeted civilians, but only Chamas did that here. They …

How did Chamas dare?

It is unwise to hurt yourself by watching the murdered and listening to the wailing of people not close to you. Keep yourself sane and secretly happy. A neighbor of mine said on Shabbat that Jews visiting the Temple Mount on Sukkot provoked them. Two others told him that Chamas never needed a reason. The …

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