De anti-Joodse agressie van de EO is niet over

Heb jij de EO’s de Joodse Raad serie gezien? Mij niet gezien! Ik hou niet van drama en niet van de EO. Mijn eerste stap was: research. Deze kop is goed: Van dit: is de eerste zin: “Vanuit geen ander West-Europees land zijn tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog zo veel Joden gedeporteerd als vanuit …

What is Gaza’s endgame?

Optimistically comparing the Muslim and the Christian Holocaust When the war is proclaimed over, what would be? Or what would be, that the war could be called over? The future in retrospect – a prediction. The Christian Holocaust, the downfall of the West’s Christian arrogance, had killed more people than the Muslim Holocaust, but, after …

G^d gives the same messages when Jews are massacred

I’m not a Prophet that I could write in His Name, but I do have some vision To construct the following thoughts and words, one needs much knowledge of history, unblemished integrity, humility, and wisdom. But to judge if they make good sense, one only needs a little common sense. 1. When still hurting a …

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