Fake meat is junk food too

Expect a wave of propaganda because tons of money was invested to produce fake meat and a profit must be made. I hate half-truths. Fellow culprits are lazy, incompetent, or overworked journalists who report glowing stories without possessing any knowledge or critical notion. Here are a couple of dozen issues and questions they never raise …

Good food and little money

You can’t expect and don’t need to expect the poor person who lives far away from civilization and owns three chickens and two goats to go vegan. He’s not ruining the environment and he has no economic alternatives. Also, people who barely (or not) get by are exempt from expensive food alternatives – but not …

My anti-vaxxer friend replied to my prior vlog post in which I exposed the fraud

I sent her my vlog post, but she didn’t get it at all, so here – I try again. You always say that, in Israel, they are so good with medical science. – It’s a fallacy that all Jews are bad or good. We too have thieves and quacks. The researcher was from Israel, right? …

New thinking about COVID-19

True, many people still don’t get the bare-minimal facts about the novel coronavirus pandemic or, worse, believe all kinds of myths and nonsense. Yet, I wrote enough about the basics. And proper information is all over the Internet. So, a lack of clarity need not halt our newest thinking. We need to think even when …

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